Secrets to Easy Connections with A Spirit Guide- By: Lori Petroff

Description : We all have them. At the very least one, but often many. Some stay with you your entire life, some are only passing through to help you with certain aspects of your growth here on earth. But if they are always around you, how can you connect with them, if you feel like you have little or no psychic abilities?

There are a few ways that I've connected and maintained connections with my own spirit guides. The more time I've put into it, the clearer they have become. I attribute most of my psychic abilities to my Guides. They give me important messages to people who need guidance and answers. If you take the time, and follow these instructions, you can easily turn that "Little Voice" which is always a Spirit Guide, into something that speaks loud and clear for you.

The first thing I would suggest is a weeks worth of dream connections. Take a pen and paper to bed with you. Before you sleep, you can write out that you desire and are open to connecting with a spirit guide that is working with you. Say a short and sweet "I look forward to connecting with a spirit guide this night, in my dream life, and remembering it in the morning." and really mean it. Be sincere!

No matter what you dream, or when you wake from the dream, take notes. Take notes on what you've dreamed, and who's been in it, and what messages they have. Within the week, if you've relaxed enough before bed, you will have made connection with a spirit guide, and may not even know it. This will be the beginning of developing your own psychic abilities.

After that, see my blog for a guided meditation, that will take you right to a spirit guide of your own. (It is written out in the blog for you to record and re listen to, or there is a recording there you can listen to.)

You have to trust yourself, and be open to the connection. Feel it in your every cell, listen to any little voices during the day (you know, the ones' that say "Go into that shop!" or "choose this from the menu." It might seem trivial, but when you hear that little voice in your head, ask it "really?" and if your first feeling is "yes" then, you can take that as a word from a Spirit Guide.

These steps are fairly simple, but require your mind and heart to be open.

I have helped many people connect with their Spirit Guides, using my own guides - they give me descriptions and messages from your Spirit Guides, often times much easier than trying to listen for yourself. (It's amazing how I can hear my Guides loud and clear to help others, but often they leave me to my own devices and watch how I'll handle things before saying a word.)

Commit to trying these methods to connect with your Spirit Guides, and you'll be pleasantly surprised when they show up, loud and clear!

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Author Resource : Lori Grace is a psychic reader with 17 years of professional experience. With the help of A Spirit Guide she helps people worldwide connect with their own Spirit Guides. Click through for even more information on how to connect with A Spirit Guide